Last day on this jobsite
So today is my last day on this jobsite. It's been an interesting experience. Being the only female on site, I was sort of expecting the red carpet in front of my trailer and a whole lot of attention through the week. But in this politically correct world I think the men prefer to just ignore my existence entirely and not even attempt a "Good Morning" in case I sue them for sexual harrasment. So this had me wondering all week - am I that ugly? Or are they that scared of women on site? I plan on fixing the gap between us by playing a practical joke on the guy we all love - the Construction Manager whom I'm replacing while he's at the Beach on vacation. That'll teach him! Whoever goes on vacation and leaves me to be in charge, ought to know better.
So this white trailer on the construction site, is going to get a makeover, with a delicate woman's touch. Yup, yesterday I went to Michael's and had some fun shopping for everything pink (I hate pink!!!). By the end of the day this trailer will be transformed from the plain white manly habitat, to the gentle delicate place it can be.
And Johnny, you better love it! Lots of brain power gone into this one, with the client's approval!
I took some "before" photos early this morning, so I can post here the Before and After during the weekend, if everything goes well.
Stay tuned for the update.
Toda la'ël ha'yom yom shishi ! [TGIF] I plan on fixing the gap between us by playing a practical joke on the guy we all love - the Construction Manager whom I'm replacing while he's at the Beach on vacation. That'll teach him! Whoever goes on vacation and leaves me to be in charge, ought to know better.
So this white trailer on the construction site, is going to get a makeover, with a delicate woman's touch. Yup, yesterday I went to Michael's and had some fun shopping for everything pink (I hate pink!!!). By the end of the day this trailer will be transformed from the plain white manly habitat, to the gentle delicate place it can be.
And Johnny, you better love it! Lots of brain power gone into this one, with the client's approval!
I took some "before" photos early this morning, so I can post here the Before and After during the weekend, if everything goes well.
Stay tuned for the update.
Toda la'ël ha'yom yom shishi ! [TGIF]
That's borderline cruel and unusual. Is there glitter involved?
This reminds me of a (similar) practical joke played on an ex co-worker.
At my old job:
The girls of "Femme Care" (who basically design tampons, pad, feminine needs packaging) got their first dose of testosterone when a male new-hire was hired to join that business unit.
His welcome party involved a make-over to his work space with "The Product". They redecorated his space with Tampons and pads ... EVRYWHERE. The 'icing on the cake' was a tampon stuck vertically on his seat.
Hope your prank goes well. Let's see some pics.
aNON, at 7:50 AM, June 24, 2005
Of course there's glitter involved! I particularly like the foamie door handle, which I'm designing as we speak with these ready made stickers that say "UR2QT" and "CUL8RQT". The pink flamingo curtains look really cool!
I also like the pink craft paper (I call it crap paper). Though I wish Michael's had a bag of less than 72 pink balloons. I may have to send the client to find some of those...
Oh yes, it's going to be a beautiful day in the neighbourhood!
I love your story of the welcome party. And you say that I am cruel???
Mybrid, at 8:06 AM, June 24, 2005
So the client had just paid me a visit along with the owner and they were absolutely thrilled to see the new look of Johnny's trailer.
In fact, the client was so excited that he went back home to grab his glue gun so we can stick some stuff permanently to the outside of the trailer. He said he'd go through extra measures to play a practical joke on someone.
I told him about my pink balloons idea and he suggested we fill the entire floor with balloons. I told him I don't think I have that much air in me, and he "volunteered" all the laborers on site to blow up 5 baloons each.
Now if I only I could drive back to Michael's to get those pink baloons...
Mybrid, at 10:40 AM, June 24, 2005
YES! drive back, get those balloons.
Your GPS will help you get there --Every step of the way :)
aNON, at 11:56 AM, June 26, 2005
Only problem is - I no longer have the keys to the trailer as it was my last day. But I'm not worried, the client is determined to make this a memorable event. He's planning to take the owner shopping for nice curtains for the two large windows up front, and he plans on putting them up this weekend.
Okay, now I need to figure out how to post all those photos with proper explanations.
Mybrid, at 12:12 PM, June 26, 2005
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