[8/11/06: 1:10pm EST New post posted below this one]
Before you continue reading this blog, please be aware that I am an Israeli.
This blog is where I write as an Israeli. I write my thoughts, my feelings, my emotions and my reactions.
Past four weeks I've been "bombarded" by my family and friends with emails related to the war. The posts you see here are a result of these emails and phone calls. The war has been constantly on my mind 24/7.
But it's not just this war, but rather years and decades of things I've been through. No one can truly understand these emotions unless they've been through it. My brother lost his best friend (whose parents are my parents' best friends) in the first Lebanon war. My two best friends in school lost their brothers when we were 12 years old. My best friend's father was injured in Lebanon (the same one whose house is depicted in a photo in a previous post). I know families who've lost kids to terrorist attacks. I knew an entire family wiped from a terrorist attack. I was hospitalized during the first Lebanese war at the hospital in Haifa that received all the bodies and wounded soldiers from Lebanon. I saw the wounded. I saw their wounds. I saw the body bags. I was only 10 years old.
The memories of what I saw, the screaming of the wounded in their beds next to mine, the cries of loved ones - these flashes are now coming back. This ongoing loss and fear of losing my loved ones back in Israel is what prompts me to write in my blog about this war. I don't think anyone can truly understand an Israeli who's been through all this, so I don't expect others to sympathize with my posts.
If you do not believe in my right to express my thoughts, please don't continue reading.
I have not sent a link to this blog to anyone. If you don't know who I am and you've found my blog, it's not because I sent it to you. Be aware that it is your own choice to read it. As it is my own choice to write it.
Before you continue reading this blog, please be aware that I am an Israeli.
This blog is where I write as an Israeli. I write my thoughts, my feelings, my emotions and my reactions.
Past four weeks I've been "bombarded" by my family and friends with emails related to the war. The posts you see here are a result of these emails and phone calls. The war has been constantly on my mind 24/7.
But it's not just this war, but rather years and decades of things I've been through. No one can truly understand these emotions unless they've been through it. My brother lost his best friend (whose parents are my parents' best friends) in the first Lebanon war. My two best friends in school lost their brothers when we were 12 years old. My best friend's father was injured in Lebanon (the same one whose house is depicted in a photo in a previous post). I know families who've lost kids to terrorist attacks. I knew an entire family wiped from a terrorist attack. I was hospitalized during the first Lebanese war at the hospital in Haifa that received all the bodies and wounded soldiers from Lebanon. I saw the wounded. I saw their wounds. I saw the body bags. I was only 10 years old.
The memories of what I saw, the screaming of the wounded in their beds next to mine, the cries of loved ones - these flashes are now coming back. This ongoing loss and fear of losing my loved ones back in Israel is what prompts me to write in my blog about this war. I don't think anyone can truly understand an Israeli who's been through all this, so I don't expect others to sympathize with my posts.
If you do not believe in my right to express my thoughts, please don't continue reading.
I have not sent a link to this blog to anyone. If you don't know who I am and you've found my blog, it's not because I sent it to you. Be aware that it is your own choice to read it. As it is my own choice to write it.
It's hard to reply to such comments, but you have a complete right to put donw on your own blog what you think is true. The fact that it happens to BE true helps no end. Also, the fact that as the war continues (the Israel/Iran war I mean) the more facts come out that prove the Hezbollah is only a fiction created by Iran and the insane Muslim fanatics there doesn't hurt your cause. Hmmmm. Insane, Muslim, fanatics -- odd how naturally those words go together. If it weren't for the IRA, I can't think of another set of maniacal murderers who aren't Muslim.
Anonymous, at 2:35 AM, August 11, 2006
You have every right to express yourself Mybrid. Considering what you have seen and experienced in your lifetime, you probably have more of a right than most of us do to express your feelings. The most important thing though, is that this is YOUR blog.
Mike, at 1:06 PM, August 11, 2006
RE: mtrain's comment: 'If it weren't for the IRA, I can't think of another set of maniacal murderers who aren't Muslim.'
You might be enlightened to know that there ARE other terrorists groups such as Euskadi Ta Azkatasuna better known as ETA the Basque separatist group in Northern Spain who have been trying to gain independence for thier part of Spain and South-Western patch of France for over 30 years. They are not a Muslim group.
Then you have the Tamil Tigers of South India who are fighting to get a land of their own on the Island of Sri Lanka for around 30 years too. They believe they have a right to live in Sri Lanka even though they have a state of their own in India (Tamil Nadu) although they have historically been associated with Sri Lanka too. They are a significant minority in Sri Lanka and like ETA want a state of their own within Sri Lanka. They are not a Mulsim group.
Rest assured there are many more groups (I hesitate to use the word'terorrist' as they are seen as 'terorrists' by some people in the world whilst being legitimate forces for good by others) in this world.
ETA, The Tamil Tigers, Al Qaeda and/or any other movement have one thing in common and that is that they all believe they are fighting for a just cause, you or I may not see it but that doesn't make it any less important to acknowledge.
I therefore implore you to at least do a little homework on what 'drives' these groups to do what they do and then you may find the answers. Granted you won't always understand or agree with them but at least try to do enough research to UNDERSTAND them in the first place.
The Hard-working Slacker, at 10:25 PM, August 11, 2006
Understand them? Why would I want to do that? When a murdering maniac performs his act all I want to do is catch him and remove him from this world. I have no need to UNDERSTAND him. I understand that he is power mad, insane, cruel, vicious and fanatical, something that any of these groups share with their Muslim brothers. They all want their way to be the only way, their view to be the only view, and what they think is true to be either accepted or forced down the throats of victims.
Understand madmen? Why bother?
Anonymous, at 11:17 PM, August 11, 2006
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