I am not a fanatic of movies. I see a movie once in two-three months. I've gone through years without seeing a movie in the theatre. Nor do I watch them at home. I'm just not into it, just like I'm not into sports. The only movies I would go out of my way to watch are comedy, and fantasy. Star Wars is the only exception in the Science Fiction range of movies. The other science fiction movies are just a variation on a theme which all started with Star Wars.
Needless to say that with my lack of enthusiasm for going out to movies, it's extremely unique for me to go see a movie in the middle of the week.
But after visiting my relatives in D.C. on Monday and listening to them rave about March of the Penguins, my husband invited me to see it last night.
I absolutely loved it!!! Well worth going to see on the big screen and not waiting for the DVD. Yes, I know, I know, it's a documentary about birds, but still we're talking a truly amazing story of survival in very harsh weather.
I could talk here about the movie forever and it wouldn't spoil it for anyone, because this is the type of movie you have to SEE to appreciate.
So mid-week movie night is kind of interesting I found out. We were completely alone in the theatre until the movie started, when another couple entered the theatre. The only times I go see movies is when the place is absolutely packed, so this was a unique experience. As the movie started the situation reminded me a lot of Mystery Science Theatre 3K. We made side commentary about the entire movie and had a blast doing it! This is the type of movie that just BEGS for side commentary because it's just a bunch of birds standing around or waddling along.
Going to the movies with my husband gives me enough laughs to last a week. There was one part where he had me laughing so hard I think I missed a full minute of the movie because I was holding my belly and wiping tears from my eyes.
So Penguins as everyone knows, waddle. They walk on their feet, and when they're tired they fall flat on their stomach and just slide over the ice. When they reach a difficult cliff to negotiate they do it on their stomachs with the help of their wings, or whatever is left of the wings they must have had thousands of years ago.
Mid way through the movie, as my husband makes comments about these Penguins, he turns quiet for a while. Then this group of a dozen Penguins are shown waddling along, when the one up front drops on his stomach. Everyone stops and makes their Penguinish grunts. He got up on his feet, looked back and grunted. My husband whispers, "Watch the ice!....Thanks."
I think my husband needs to do a voice over this movie.
When we got out of the movie, I convinced my husband to "Walk this way." We got home and announced to our dog that we're trading him in for a Penguin. Dog was highly anxious. I can see why. He wouldn't know the first thing about taking care of an egg. (In the Penguin world, the male takes care of the egg).
Go see it, you won't regret it. Maybe you won't find it as funny, but I'm sure you'll find it educational.
I just searched the internet for Penguin sounds, when I came across a site that actually has the Penguin sneeze! You'd think that these Penguins ought to be used to -80 degrees weather.
Needless to say that with my lack of enthusiasm for going out to movies, it's extremely unique for me to go see a movie in the middle of the week.
But after visiting my relatives in D.C. on Monday and listening to them rave about March of the Penguins, my husband invited me to see it last night.
I absolutely loved it!!! Well worth going to see on the big screen and not waiting for the DVD. Yes, I know, I know, it's a documentary about birds, but still we're talking a truly amazing story of survival in very harsh weather.
I could talk here about the movie forever and it wouldn't spoil it for anyone, because this is the type of movie you have to SEE to appreciate.
So mid-week movie night is kind of interesting I found out. We were completely alone in the theatre until the movie started, when another couple entered the theatre. The only times I go see movies is when the place is absolutely packed, so this was a unique experience. As the movie started the situation reminded me a lot of Mystery Science Theatre 3K. We made side commentary about the entire movie and had a blast doing it! This is the type of movie that just BEGS for side commentary because it's just a bunch of birds standing around or waddling along.
Going to the movies with my husband gives me enough laughs to last a week. There was one part where he had me laughing so hard I think I missed a full minute of the movie because I was holding my belly and wiping tears from my eyes.
So Penguins as everyone knows, waddle. They walk on their feet, and when they're tired they fall flat on their stomach and just slide over the ice. When they reach a difficult cliff to negotiate they do it on their stomachs with the help of their wings, or whatever is left of the wings they must have had thousands of years ago.
Mid way through the movie, as my husband makes comments about these Penguins, he turns quiet for a while. Then this group of a dozen Penguins are shown waddling along, when the one up front drops on his stomach. Everyone stops and makes their Penguinish grunts. He got up on his feet, looked back and grunted. My husband whispers, "Watch the ice!....Thanks."
I think my husband needs to do a voice over this movie.
When we got out of the movie, I convinced my husband to "Walk this way." We got home and announced to our dog that we're trading him in for a Penguin. Dog was highly anxious. I can see why. He wouldn't know the first thing about taking care of an egg. (In the Penguin world, the male takes care of the egg).
Go see it, you won't regret it. Maybe you won't find it as funny, but I'm sure you'll find it educational.
I just searched the internet for Penguin sounds, when I came across a site that actually has the Penguin sneeze! You'd think that these Penguins ought to be used to -80 degrees weather.
Kerry: I also like the escapism in children fantasy. My husband also taught me to love the cartoon world (Finding Nemo, Alladin, etc.) I'm also waiting for Narnia. I watched in agony the BBC series that was made years ago. My nephews and niece's found this antique funnier than a comedy.
RJ: I don't do horror movies. Grizly included. Let me know how you liked the Penguins.
Mybrid, at 5:15 AM, September 15, 2005
I think Penguins might be the only exception to my "bird rule". I don't know though, I've never seen one up-close.
aNON, at 1:09 PM, September 15, 2005
How 'bout Ostrich? I love Ostrich biltong! Ever met an Ostrich?
Love yer Arabic signature, but why do you spell your name in English with an 'ie' at the end if your name ends with an "a" in Arabic?
Mybrid, at 2:30 PM, September 15, 2005
It's not really an 'A'. It's a "ein"
I don't know, I've always thought the english equivelant of my name is erroneous ... spelling-wise.
Spelling my name was fun, a test--now that my new bag of tricks worked, I invite all to behold ... My New Identity.
aNON, at 3:41 PM, September 15, 2005
I know it's not an "a" and it's an "ayin" (we have the same letter in Hebrew, called the same), but I couldn't figure out how to write a guttural a with the limited letters on my keyboard.
I also think your English spelling of your name is erroneous, if that's any consolation. I would have written it Nafë.
As for your new identity what is A-jady? The ...?
Mybrid, at 5:25 PM, September 15, 2005
I have yet to see that movie. I keep hearing it's good, but it just looks too campy for me.
(In the Penguin world, the male takes care of the egg).
Glad I'm not a penguin. I'd probably accidently step on the egg or something.
The Zombieslayer, at 12:25 AM, September 16, 2005
thanks for the great post :)
I'll post a fantastic, ORIGINAL, antartica pic on my site soon!
keep a look out for it :)
Ms Smack, at 12:09 AM, September 20, 2005
Honeysmack, I'll look forward to your post with Penguins. I'm definitely in love with them now. They're adorable.
Mybrid, at 6:29 AM, September 20, 2005
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