While fasting 26 hours on Yom Kippur, I've come to the conclusion that having my computer in the shop for repairs is not as bad as I thought. So I'll be offline for about a week. This should give everyone time to catch up on the influx of posts from last week.
Friendly project is complete.
I'm contemplating whether I should launch the Hostile Project next. This will be an account of people I've come across in my life and couldn't stand. Yeah, this is looking like a brilliant idea. Stay tuned for some written venom.
Friendly project is complete.
I'm contemplating whether I should launch the Hostile Project next. This will be an account of people I've come across in my life and couldn't stand. Yeah, this is looking like a brilliant idea. Stay tuned for some written venom.
I can't believe I just posted that, less than 24 hours after I apologised for saying anything that may have offended anyone. And here I thought I was about to change my life and become a good person.
Oh well. I suppose now you all know the real face of me.
Mybrid, at 11:55 AM, October 14, 2005
Mybrid - Nothing you wrote offended me. Maybe someone else, but I will never be offended by someone's heartfelt thoughts. I believe in honesty. Sometimes honestly comes out in an offensive way, and sometimes it comes out with someone saying something that someone else doesn't want to hear. But that's how it is.
If I care about someone, I'd rather have them be honest and up front. I like people unconditionally. If I don't like them as a person, I won't hang with them. If I like them, then it's my choice to stay with them warts and all.
The Zombieslayer, at 8:00 PM, October 16, 2005
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