The World Wide Web of Friends
Obviously, the internet is the easiest place to find new friends. I've been online since 1995. Strangely enough, I've always been under my real name and not a psuedonym. This blog is the first time in my ten years online that I decided to go anonymous. I think I had more trust in the internet back then. No fear of spam, no fear of stalkers, no fear of anyone finding out who I am.
I got online the day that Yitzchak Rabin was assassinated. I felt a need to connect with other Israelis and talk. My husband had a CompuServe account, and that's how I ended up in the Israel Forum on CompuServe.
That's where I met my long time friends, Z.T. and J.R. - two Israeli men (who don't know each other), who were much older than me at the time (I was in my 20's, so obviously everyone above 30 was "much older"). Long chats online ensued, and within a year or two I had met both of them in person. They were the first in a long line of friends I made online whom I also met in real life. There's nothing in common between Z.T. and J.R. other than I became friends with them for political reasons. Or to better explain it, because we discussed politics day and night online.
Z.T. - a religious Jew from the left wing, J.R. - a secular Jew from the right wing. Should have been the opposite, but figures that I'd find the two anomalies in Israeli politics. Speaking politics with Z.T. is a pleasure and an enjoyable experience. Speaking politics with J.R. is an angering and frustrating experience. But somehow, I'm friends with both of them. What do they have in common - a wonderful sense of humour and just plain being wonderful people.
So no, I couldn't care less what your opinions are. I do care if you're a nice person with a charming personality. There are so many topics to disagree on, that I cannot limit my friends to the few that agree with me 100% on everything. I married the one friend who agrees with me on 95% of the topics we discuss. The others fall short of that mark - somewhere around 50-80%.
Then by some strange turn of events, I followed a friend from one forum to another, and ended up with a gazillion friends. So, J.S., thank you for introducing me to your own passion in life - writing, which has rapidly become my own hobby in life.
J.S. was also the beginning of my travels around the world to meet internet friends. My husband and I met J.S. and his wife, back in 1998 on a trip to Ireland - his homecountry. Then in 2003, my husband and I, along with my brother and his wife, met my internet friend, P.W, as well as his wife and son - in a trip to Scotland.
J.S. and P.W. - thank you for introducing me to your lovely countries!!! I can't wait to go back one day.
Once I settled in the new forum, I've made so many friends, I don't think I can really mention all of them in this short post. Some names to mention: Linda, Kris, Diana, Joyce, Carol, Martin, Elise, Dan, Jo...the list goes on. Yes, I've met some of them in person, including family members. And some I hope to still meet. Mtrain, that'd be you!
This world of blogging is a bit new for me, but hopefully, I'll meet you guys too, one day. No, not in the stalker type of way. So 3mr@n, you're on target. CS, it's been a real pleasure!!!
I got online the day that Yitzchak Rabin was assassinated. I felt a need to connect with other Israelis and talk. My husband had a CompuServe account, and that's how I ended up in the Israel Forum on CompuServe.
That's where I met my long time friends, Z.T. and J.R. - two Israeli men (who don't know each other), who were much older than me at the time (I was in my 20's, so obviously everyone above 30 was "much older"). Long chats online ensued, and within a year or two I had met both of them in person. They were the first in a long line of friends I made online whom I also met in real life. There's nothing in common between Z.T. and J.R. other than I became friends with them for political reasons. Or to better explain it, because we discussed politics day and night online.
Z.T. - a religious Jew from the left wing, J.R. - a secular Jew from the right wing. Should have been the opposite, but figures that I'd find the two anomalies in Israeli politics. Speaking politics with Z.T. is a pleasure and an enjoyable experience. Speaking politics with J.R. is an angering and frustrating experience. But somehow, I'm friends with both of them. What do they have in common - a wonderful sense of humour and just plain being wonderful people.
So no, I couldn't care less what your opinions are. I do care if you're a nice person with a charming personality. There are so many topics to disagree on, that I cannot limit my friends to the few that agree with me 100% on everything. I married the one friend who agrees with me on 95% of the topics we discuss. The others fall short of that mark - somewhere around 50-80%.
Then by some strange turn of events, I followed a friend from one forum to another, and ended up with a gazillion friends. So, J.S., thank you for introducing me to your own passion in life - writing, which has rapidly become my own hobby in life.
J.S. was also the beginning of my travels around the world to meet internet friends. My husband and I met J.S. and his wife, back in 1998 on a trip to Ireland - his homecountry. Then in 2003, my husband and I, along with my brother and his wife, met my internet friend, P.W, as well as his wife and son - in a trip to Scotland.
J.S. and P.W. - thank you for introducing me to your lovely countries!!! I can't wait to go back one day.
Once I settled in the new forum, I've made so many friends, I don't think I can really mention all of them in this short post. Some names to mention: Linda, Kris, Diana, Joyce, Carol, Martin, Elise, Dan, Jo...the list goes on. Yes, I've met some of them in person, including family members. And some I hope to still meet. Mtrain, that'd be you!
This world of blogging is a bit new for me, but hopefully, I'll meet you guys too, one day. No, not in the stalker type of way. So 3mr@n, you're on target. CS, it's been a real pleasure!!!
I've met 3 bloggers so far in person. If you're ever in Northern California, look us up. Would be glad to hook up with you. You have my email address.
CS - If you're reading this, you too.
SG - Like I said to CS.
The Zombieslayer, at 8:04 PM, October 16, 2005
Never have I felt this flattered to be targeted. Thanks Hybrid.
The Hard-working Slacker, at 8:04 PM, October 19, 2005
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