You've been watching one of the top 5 viewed videos on You Tube (a popular site for uploading videos and sharing with others).
This video has been viewed by almost SEVEN MILLION viewers online. The song is called "Hey" by the Pixies.
The girls in the video are 21 year old. The video was made as a birthday gift for the boyfriend of one of them. The other girl who studied film editing decided to post it on You Tube just for fun. She had no idea it would balloon to almost 7 million viewers in such a short time. They were invited to several TV talk shows to be interviewed about their sudden and unintentional success.
One of their fans loved their video so much that he decided to imitate it in their honor. The fan is no other than Kevin Smith, the editor/director/producer of movies such as Dogma and Clerks. He decided to imitate these girls' video as a trailer for his new movie Clerks II.
Here it is:
Some of you are still wondering why did I spend so much time about this video and these two girls, so here goes...
Their names are Lital Meizel and Adi Freemerman. And yes, they're Israelis!
For those of you who understand Hebrew, here are the links to the TV talk shows interviewing them:
There's more to this video...
Mybrid, at 2:36 PM, July 08, 2006
I came here earlier and checked out the video. Then I went to the site it came from. Wow. I have been there most of the afternoon. Pretty cool stuff.
Mike, at 7:46 PM, July 08, 2006
There are many times when I am glad I don't appreciate or understand the music of today and this is one of them.
The red underpants with the little rocketships were funny I guess.
Anonymous, at 11:40 PM, July 08, 2006
You've been watching one of the most viewed videos (top 5) on the popular site You Tube.
But there's more to this story...
Mybrid, at 5:35 PM, July 09, 2006
This video has been viewed by almost SEVEN MILLION viewers online.
The song is called "Hey" by the Pixies.
More details to follow...
Mybrid, at 5:46 PM, July 09, 2006
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