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Hybrid Thoughts


An Israeli rant about the war

Just because I haven't been writing very often in my blog doesn't mean the war has stopped or that I stopped following it. But there comes a point where I know it bores people to read posts with a political slant.

So this one is more about the impact on the daily lives of my family and friends.

My nephews and niece were sent to Jerusalem after spending two weeks in the safe room and not being able to enjoy the summer like they're used to (swimming pool, playing sport, and more swimming pool).

My mother can no longer stay at home and has made outside excursions for a cup of coffee at the local cafe, which was packed with people who could no longer tolerate being closed inside the safe rooms. Then she decided to get her hair coloured at the local hairdresser. That place was also packed with women chatting about the war, and everyone was in agreement - might as well look good if a rocket hits us!

My best friend is undergoing post-traumatic syndrome as a result of this happening right next to them:

The large tall white building in the center of the photo is where she lives. She and her boyfriend were in the house when this rocket fell. She immediately packed all her belongings and drove to Tel Aviv. Problem is that the trauma goes with you everywhere. I spoke to her this morning. I just wanted to chat about anything to give her some distraction. But she spoke for an hour about the war. She couldn't stop talking about it. She went shopping in Tel Aviv and every loud sound of a chair being moved, or a door slamming sent her into tears. She's been crying without reason at odd times and when there's no reason. The stress has gotten to her.

Another story of a miracle - that building you see above... The woman living there has had enough of the sirens and the running to the safe room, she decided to put on her bathing suit and suntan on the balcony (yes, the one you see destroyed). When the siren went off, her husband DRAGGED her from the balcony to the safe room. He would not have her continue to suntan there. That's when the rocket fell there. Yet another marriage saved by the bell. Literally.

My father sends me regular email updates on the situation. Yesterday he was happy that they opened the post office for one day, enough for him to pick up the package I mailed for everyone. A couple of DVD's for them to watch while they're sitting bored at home between sirens. I just sent eight more DVD's with a friend of mine who flew to Israel yesterday.

My brother no longer drives to work through that road you saw in the photo he sent me. It's not safe. No one drives there. He's taken an alternate route through the forests of Mt. Carmel. A risky drive because the road is narrow and winding down a hill and he's not the only smart person in Haifa, but at least he's safe from rockets.

My other best friend has had to close down his business for several days due to the unsafe conditions (the majority of the rockets are hitting the industrial area in Haifa). I'm very worried about him because he relies financially on this business and so do all his employees.

Another best friend - I can't get a hold of for three weeks. I suspect he's moved his family down south since his wife just had a baby a couple of months ago.

I realise some of you are going to think quietly - Israelis are not the only ones suffering, so are the Lebanese. Thing is - all you hear on the news is about the Lebanese dying, yet you hardly hear about the impact of the constant barrage of rockets fired at Israelis FROM Lebanon! And until that barrage stops, the killing of terrorists will continue. And yes, they are freaking terrorists and NOT humans! They have only one goal - to eradicate Israel. They can be considered nothing more than mere terrorists.

Has anyone heard today that Hizbullah has fired rockets on Jenin, a Palestinian town under Palestinian rule? Does anyone understand the logic of firing rockets from Hizbullah in Lebanon at Palestinians in the Palestinian Authority? When you figure out the logic, you'll finally begin to understand what Hizbullah is all about. Terrorism!

It's unfortunate that my country engages in what we consider investigations rather than outright telling the world what everyone in Israel has already read, heard and seen in the Hebrew speaking media.

The building that collapsed - there are videos showing the rockets fired from WITHIN that building! Our air force attacked the source of the rockets fired, at midnight. At 7am (!!!) the building collapsed. Can anyone account for how this could have happened? No one. The Israelis are investigating. But the Lebanese have an opportunity to show the world that this was supposedly a result of our bombing (NOT PROVEN!). Never mind the fact that Israel has notified all inhabitants of that building that it will be bombarded at night, never mind that rockets were shot from that building, or that the building collapsed SEVEN HOURS after we targeted the rocket launchers. Oh, and never mind the fact that the poor Lebanese civilians are not being allowed to move from the buildings and are being forced by the Hizbullah fighters to remain there. After all, human lives mean nothing to them, and the more who get killed the more it serves their goal. Yup, no one hears all these facts, because my country SUCKS at public relations in English.

Has anyone heard the stories of our soldiers? Like the soldier who told his officer that he saw a terrorist holding an RPG in one hand and a child in the other. The officer asked him why he didn't shoot the terrorist to kill him, and the soldier answered that he couldn't do it when he saw the child. The hizbullah are relying on this reaction from our Israeli soldiers. They know how we feel. But do they care about the child they're risking? Does the mother care??? Does this come across as human behaviour to you?!!! Freedom fighters, my ass! They're terrorists, not worth of anyone's pity. Terrorists who are willing to risk their own children's lives for their cause.

But I'm fighting windmills. Whoever is on the side of terrorists cannot be dissuaded. They will continue to believe what they see on the media which is fed with images directed by the terrorists. Yes, believe it or not, but they actually instruct women to go out in front of the cameras and act bereaved and cry and scream. Don't you ever find it strange that they're in front of cameras crying and shouting instead of with their loved ones, hugging them and finding counsel in relatives and friends who have known the deceased? (I could never understand that mentality. Israelis mourn at home quietly, while the Lebanese mourn in front of cameras? Nah. Unlikely. Those who truly mourn do it at home. Those in front of the cameras - are actors. More likely, huh?)

Just an opinion, and I'm cutting off comments. I don't care to hear criticism of Israel any longer. This blog is written by an Israeli about Israel. Deal with it!

You want to hear the Lebanese point of view, then visit their blogs. This isn't it.


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