Second Hebrew Lesson
For those of you who missed the FIRST Hebrew lesson, scroll down two posts to find it.
So here we are on Monday morning. Monday being the second day of the week according to the Torah. Therefore it would only make sense to call it in Hebrew "The Second Day" - Yom Sheni.
יום שני
Yom - for those of you who slept through the past three months of my blogging, is "Day."
Sheni - is second (in the masculine form, because the word "day" is masculine).
If a man is standing second in line, he'd say - ani sheni.
If a woman is standing second in line, she'd say - ani shniya.
Which brings me to the word "second" as in "I'll be there in a sec." So here's your bonus lesson: The translation to saying "I'll be there in a sec." or "just a second" or "wait a second" is the simple Hebrew word "Shniya!"
Ah, wait, I think I neglected to explain pronounciation. The English language puts the emphasis on most words in the beginning of the word. The Hebrew language puts the emphasis on the end of most words.
So proper pronounciation for the two words you learned so far would be:
This is probably the most difficult part for Americans to get used to when learning Hebrew, and the easiest way to pick them out of a crowd speaking Hebrew.
Last quiz taker failed my quiz. I'm waiting to find the genius in class.
So here we are on Monday morning. Monday being the second day of the week according to the Torah. Therefore it would only make sense to call it in Hebrew "The Second Day" - Yom Sheni.
יום שני
Yom - for those of you who slept through the past three months of my blogging, is "Day."
Sheni - is second (in the masculine form, because the word "day" is masculine).
If a man is standing second in line, he'd say - ani sheni.
If a woman is standing second in line, she'd say - ani shniya.
Which brings me to the word "second" as in "I'll be there in a sec." So here's your bonus lesson: The translation to saying "I'll be there in a sec." or "just a second" or "wait a second" is the simple Hebrew word "Shniya!"
Ah, wait, I think I neglected to explain pronounciation. The English language puts the emphasis on most words in the beginning of the word. The Hebrew language puts the emphasis on the end of most words.
So proper pronounciation for the two words you learned so far would be:
This is probably the most difficult part for Americans to get used to when learning Hebrew, and the easiest way to pick them out of a crowd speaking Hebrew.
Last quiz taker failed my quiz. I'm waiting to find the genius in class.
Ani Rishon!
Is this a lesson-a-day type deal?
aNON, at 2:10 PM, August 22, 2005
CS, you get an A+!
It's a lesson a day this week just to teach everyone the days of the week. It's in addition to the normal blogging activities - a bonus. If my audience likes it and wants more, I'll gladly continue beyond it.
Heck I could teach you what I've been teaching my co-workers: useful phrases in the workplace.
Mybrid, at 2:26 PM, August 22, 2005
Useful phrases in the workplace? You mean like "It's your turn on the battleship game?" or "I know I just had four cigarette breaks but I need another one."
Anonymous, at 5:54 PM, August 22, 2005
mtrain, no, I'm far more innovative than that! My co-workers know how to tell me to go home, in Hebrew. And they know how to say, "I've had it!" and "I'm bored."
Mybrid, at 5:59 PM, August 22, 2005
Hey Mybrid, how about teaching us a good pickup line in Hebrew? I heard Natalie Portman's still single and I'm sure CS would want to know one.
Days of the week are cool and all, but they're not exactly opening lines to meeting the babes.
It's like if I'm ever in France, the only thing I can say to a hot French chick is "where is my pencil?" I sincerely doubt that will get me a phone number.
The Zombieslayer, at 8:41 PM, August 22, 2005
ZS, you're asking the wrong gender for a pickup line! Why don't you tell me how you pick up women, and I'll translate it?
Mybrid, at 9:56 PM, August 22, 2005
"Hey baby, your eyes sparkle like metal in a microwave."
How's that?
The Zombieslayer, at 10:12 PM, August 22, 2005
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