What Goes Around Comes Around
I'm not a vengeful person, but sometimes things happen that makes me think that someone out there is performing revenge for me.
So this is about four different people who crossed my path and if I were the vengeful type, they'd be at the top of my list. Somehow, someone else took care of it for me.
I started out my higher educational path at a community college after spending two years at the Technion. I was thrown out of the Technion for failing Calculus three times in a row. They had a rule that if you don't pass it by the third semester - you're out. Of course they changed this rule a year after they threw me out, and today you have no time limit to pass the course. Needless to say, going into a community college after spending four semesters at the Technion was a walk in the park.
I had a 4.0 gpa by the time I got to the last semester, when I realised that I still need to take one credit of health/sports course. Due to my health I couldn't take any sport classes, so I opted for the class lecture in Scuba Diving. In the final exam I missed a couple of questions. Thinking that with my homework my final grade would be raised to 90, I was shocked to realise that homework didn't count for anything, and this teacher was bound and determined to give me a B. I waited for him the following morning trying to convince him to listen to me ("You did not state in the class requirements that there is no credit for the homework!"). This asshole knew perfectly well that I was a 4.0 student about to graduate a valedictorian. He took great pride in telling me about other students who were in a similar situation and whose mothers came and begged him to reconsider and he was determined to give them a B anyway. When I left his office and saw his sports-car I was just itching to take my keys out and scratch a nice line across it. I had all my professors and several administrators work on my behalf and try to resolve this with him, only to conclude the same thing - he's an asshole! I found out two days too late that I could have gotten exemption from this stupid sports course because I served in the army. But nothing helped convince the administrators to drop this class from my list of courses. My GPA dropped to 3.99. I wasn't the valedictorian.
Sweet revenge came in two forms - there were far more newspaper articles about me in all local newspapers than there were about the two other valedictorians. A couple of days after this professor refused to give me an A - he showed up in a cast from crotch to foot. He was in a car accident. Asshole got what he deserved!
I transferred to a University where my grades weren't as spectacular but I still aimed high. Until my last year of Architecture Design. At this point everyone knew that I wasn't the typical quite student. I was opinionated and damn it I was old enough to voice it in class and not be scared of stupid professors. My final grade sheet came with the sentence "I appreciate your pagnaciousness and tenacity but I think you'll be better off in Construction Management." This asshole of a "design" teacher (who happened to be the assistant dean) was a freaking DESIGN teacher and had no right to tell me where I'd be better off. He should have graded me on design and not on how opinionated I am. I was absolutely livid when I saw his comment. Showed it to everyone who were just as shocked because they didn't agree with the grade he gave me. It was the lowest grade I had received since I failed Calculus in Israel - he gave me a C+ because I talked back to the guest jurors (big deal, some architects from another university - like I care!).
That summer I continued towards a Masters degree, when I received news of my "sweet revenge" - the assistant dean was knocked over the head with a 2 x 4 while renovating his attic. He lost all memory and capability to speak. Could no longer teach and was forced into early retirement. That's what happens when a DESIGN teacher decides to practice CONSTRUCTION.
For three months you followed my rants about my workplace and working in a trailer. I tried not to mention the biggest asshole while I was still on the job. A former employee of our company has decided to take a position with the government, which made him our client. This is a former disgruntled employee who cannot stand anything to do with our company, and was all intent on making our lives difficult as representatives of the company on this project. Well one day when a crane was scheduled on site to raise up 5 dry coolers to the roof (700 lb each), I approached him on the roof and politely asked if he needs a hard hat (I was going to offer to bring him one). He got in my face and got all red-faced saying, "I don't need no stinking hard hat! Write me up!" When I tried to calm him down I told him that I was the construction manager on site and when there's overhead work everyone is required to wear a hard hat. He got all puffed up and walked down from the roof to the lobby. I walked down to the trailer to get hard hats for other people from the client's office, when he shouted at me across the lobby "We're going to do things the hard way, right? So where's the pavers protection??" At which point I answered back "For WHAT? something that weighs less than a bus??" (there was a ladder on it. That's it.). This guy called my boss at work and gave him a long laundry list of complaints about me and my co-worker. Our asshole of a boss (different story altogether) backed him up and didn't even bother asking me for my side.
Two weeks ago I was finally taken off this job. Came back to the office, when I heard the news - the asshole former disgruntled employee has been through a motorcycle accident and was injured, in the hospital. I was dying to write him a get-well card that says, "see what happens when you don't wear a hard hat?!"
Four years ago as I was going through the worst time of my life health wise, I was scheduled to see a doctor at Johns Hopkins for a second opinion. I waited five months for this appointment. Five very long and painful months. This was a chance to save my health. A chance to find a better solution than surgery. After a 3 hour wait and an hour drilling by stupid med students (like I have patience to explain to medical students 22 years of a very complicated medical history?!) - she came in the room and without any mental preparation or any note of saddness in her voice she outright said, "Your entire colon needs to be removed." I was suicidal driving on the way home from this appointment. The only reason I didn't drive my car at 65mph against the concrete divider between the lanes is because thoughts of my husband came to my mind all of a sudden. I couldn't do it. Needless to say, I found a surgeon. I still have some of my colon. That was four years ago. I've been warning other patients since then not to go see her.
A couple of months ago I heard the sweet revenge - she has been removed from Johns Hopkins to another facility and she is no longer to be consulted about surgeries. She's very unhappy about it and made it known to other patients.
Some of you may think I'm cold hearted for not having any saddness in me for any of the stories above. You know what, fuck it. I have way too much saddness for everyone else in the world. These assholes didn't deserve it from ME. Let others who love them care about them. There's just so much niceness in me. I don't need to be nice to everyone. They weren't nice to me!
No, I don't think that all these events were related in any way to how these people treated me. But it is a good feeling to know that bad things happen to bad people.
So this is about four different people who crossed my path and if I were the vengeful type, they'd be at the top of my list. Somehow, someone else took care of it for me.
I started out my higher educational path at a community college after spending two years at the Technion. I was thrown out of the Technion for failing Calculus three times in a row. They had a rule that if you don't pass it by the third semester - you're out. Of course they changed this rule a year after they threw me out, and today you have no time limit to pass the course. Needless to say, going into a community college after spending four semesters at the Technion was a walk in the park.
I had a 4.0 gpa by the time I got to the last semester, when I realised that I still need to take one credit of health/sports course. Due to my health I couldn't take any sport classes, so I opted for the class lecture in Scuba Diving. In the final exam I missed a couple of questions. Thinking that with my homework my final grade would be raised to 90, I was shocked to realise that homework didn't count for anything, and this teacher was bound and determined to give me a B. I waited for him the following morning trying to convince him to listen to me ("You did not state in the class requirements that there is no credit for the homework!"). This asshole knew perfectly well that I was a 4.0 student about to graduate a valedictorian. He took great pride in telling me about other students who were in a similar situation and whose mothers came and begged him to reconsider and he was determined to give them a B anyway. When I left his office and saw his sports-car I was just itching to take my keys out and scratch a nice line across it. I had all my professors and several administrators work on my behalf and try to resolve this with him, only to conclude the same thing - he's an asshole! I found out two days too late that I could have gotten exemption from this stupid sports course because I served in the army. But nothing helped convince the administrators to drop this class from my list of courses. My GPA dropped to 3.99. I wasn't the valedictorian.
Sweet revenge came in two forms - there were far more newspaper articles about me in all local newspapers than there were about the two other valedictorians. A couple of days after this professor refused to give me an A - he showed up in a cast from crotch to foot. He was in a car accident. Asshole got what he deserved!
I transferred to a University where my grades weren't as spectacular but I still aimed high. Until my last year of Architecture Design. At this point everyone knew that I wasn't the typical quite student. I was opinionated and damn it I was old enough to voice it in class and not be scared of stupid professors. My final grade sheet came with the sentence "I appreciate your pagnaciousness and tenacity but I think you'll be better off in Construction Management." This asshole of a "design" teacher (who happened to be the assistant dean) was a freaking DESIGN teacher and had no right to tell me where I'd be better off. He should have graded me on design and not on how opinionated I am. I was absolutely livid when I saw his comment. Showed it to everyone who were just as shocked because they didn't agree with the grade he gave me. It was the lowest grade I had received since I failed Calculus in Israel - he gave me a C+ because I talked back to the guest jurors (big deal, some architects from another university - like I care!).
That summer I continued towards a Masters degree, when I received news of my "sweet revenge" - the assistant dean was knocked over the head with a 2 x 4 while renovating his attic. He lost all memory and capability to speak. Could no longer teach and was forced into early retirement. That's what happens when a DESIGN teacher decides to practice CONSTRUCTION.
For three months you followed my rants about my workplace and working in a trailer. I tried not to mention the biggest asshole while I was still on the job. A former employee of our company has decided to take a position with the government, which made him our client. This is a former disgruntled employee who cannot stand anything to do with our company, and was all intent on making our lives difficult as representatives of the company on this project. Well one day when a crane was scheduled on site to raise up 5 dry coolers to the roof (700 lb each), I approached him on the roof and politely asked if he needs a hard hat (I was going to offer to bring him one). He got in my face and got all red-faced saying, "I don't need no stinking hard hat! Write me up!" When I tried to calm him down I told him that I was the construction manager on site and when there's overhead work everyone is required to wear a hard hat. He got all puffed up and walked down from the roof to the lobby. I walked down to the trailer to get hard hats for other people from the client's office, when he shouted at me across the lobby "We're going to do things the hard way, right? So where's the pavers protection??" At which point I answered back "For WHAT? something that weighs less than a bus??" (there was a ladder on it. That's it.). This guy called my boss at work and gave him a long laundry list of complaints about me and my co-worker. Our asshole of a boss (different story altogether) backed him up and didn't even bother asking me for my side.
Two weeks ago I was finally taken off this job. Came back to the office, when I heard the news - the asshole former disgruntled employee has been through a motorcycle accident and was injured, in the hospital. I was dying to write him a get-well card that says, "see what happens when you don't wear a hard hat?!"
Four years ago as I was going through the worst time of my life health wise, I was scheduled to see a doctor at Johns Hopkins for a second opinion. I waited five months for this appointment. Five very long and painful months. This was a chance to save my health. A chance to find a better solution than surgery. After a 3 hour wait and an hour drilling by stupid med students (like I have patience to explain to medical students 22 years of a very complicated medical history?!) - she came in the room and without any mental preparation or any note of saddness in her voice she outright said, "Your entire colon needs to be removed." I was suicidal driving on the way home from this appointment. The only reason I didn't drive my car at 65mph against the concrete divider between the lanes is because thoughts of my husband came to my mind all of a sudden. I couldn't do it. Needless to say, I found a surgeon. I still have some of my colon. That was four years ago. I've been warning other patients since then not to go see her.
A couple of months ago I heard the sweet revenge - she has been removed from Johns Hopkins to another facility and she is no longer to be consulted about surgeries. She's very unhappy about it and made it known to other patients.
Some of you may think I'm cold hearted for not having any saddness in me for any of the stories above. You know what, fuck it. I have way too much saddness for everyone else in the world. These assholes didn't deserve it from ME. Let others who love them care about them. There's just so much niceness in me. I don't need to be nice to everyone. They weren't nice to me!
No, I don't think that all these events were related in any way to how these people treated me. But it is a good feeling to know that bad things happen to bad people.
Remind me never to piss u!!
Aftab Iqbal, at 8:13 PM, October 23, 2005
Aftab, salam aleykum. Welcome to my blog. One sure way not to piss me off - treat me like a human being and not like another "student" "client" or "patient."
Mybrid, at 10:04 PM, October 23, 2005
Thanks for the book recommendation. I'll read it as soon as possible.
Aftab Iqbal, at 2:33 AM, October 24, 2005
Well, I don't think I've seen petty vindictiveness carried to such heights in a long time. Appears to me that unless you get the cream along with the milk, your string of hatreds is pretty long. I guess, as you say, fuck it covers about everything, although I'm sure I read somewhere about turning the other cheek.
Anonymous, at 1:53 PM, October 24, 2005
TFL!!!! Where have you BEEN??? Long time no read! It's great to see you. How's everything on your end of the world?
Mybrid, at 3:41 PM, October 24, 2005
madman, I am incapable of even hurting a fly, let alone a human being. Anyway, I don't know a thing about cars and wouldn't know where to find the brakes. (There are brake lines???)
Mybrid, at 11:49 AM, October 25, 2005
Heh. You must have powers. :)
Don't feel bad about calculus. I had to hire not one, but two tutors for calculus.
The Zombieslayer, at 8:08 PM, October 25, 2005
ZS, turns out I wasn't too dumb. I just don't do well on multiple choice exams because I have low confidence and question myself constantly. The Calculus exams in Israel, were given to 300 students every end of semester - only multiple choice questions exams could work for this.
When I took Calculus I and II in the U.S. I got a 100 on all exams. They were written exams. Gave me a chance to see my work properly before reaching an answer.
Mybrid, at 9:17 AM, October 26, 2005
Mybrid - Thanks. You just made me feel even more stupid. ;)
Just kidding. I know my strengths and weaknesses and I'm not embarassed about my flaws.
The Zombieslayer, at 10:56 PM, October 27, 2005
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