I have a HOT car!
No, MYBRID ain't stolen and it ain't stylin' and profiling. It's a Honda Civic Hybrid with the thermostat from hell. Really. I swear to dog! I got three knobs to handle the temperatures in my car, but only two options - one is useful in the summer.
There's no 'other'.
Well, ok, there's a knob and it moves and it definitely affects the temperatures. But I find it difficult to consider "incinerator" as anything comfortable to be holding my hands steady on the wheel. Thankfully, this impacts my driving only in the winter. So I don't complain the entire year (of course I've only had this car a year). But winter is here again, and freezing weather has begun, and I'm stuck with the incinerator.
I complained to the dealership, but of course when they tried it my car-from-burning-flaming-hell decides to behave itself and make me a liar.
Since I love heat, this is not a huge deal. But my husband finds it also very uncomfortable condition to drive in. The other day, as we were driving in a fairly cold evening, he reached for the air-conditioning knobs and asked, "Ok, you want it on "Cool a Fanta" "Warm a Hot Dog" or "Cook a Chicken"?"
Sometimes he really makes me wonder...
Tonight it was on "Cook a Steak." It's a good thing I actually had leftover steak from dinner to justify it. I'm stocking up on food and things to do this weekend. My husband is leaving in the morning (Friday) to drive his Jeep with another thousand of his best friends (read: JeepGeeks).
I think I'll go visit my relatives in the Nursing Home in D.C. Saturday or Sunday. Last I heard he was calling the police because he wanted them to join him on a boat trip to England to arrest the Queen for not enforcing the laws properly.
I need to find him a boat. Or the Queen. Whatever comes first.
There's no 'other'.
Well, ok, there's a knob and it moves and it definitely affects the temperatures. But I find it difficult to consider "incinerator" as anything comfortable to be holding my hands steady on the wheel. Thankfully, this impacts my driving only in the winter. So I don't complain the entire year (of course I've only had this car a year). But winter is here again, and freezing weather has begun, and I'm stuck with the incinerator.
I complained to the dealership, but of course when they tried it my car-from-burning-flaming-hell decides to behave itself and make me a liar.
Since I love heat, this is not a huge deal. But my husband finds it also very uncomfortable condition to drive in. The other day, as we were driving in a fairly cold evening, he reached for the air-conditioning knobs and asked, "Ok, you want it on "Cool a Fanta" "Warm a Hot Dog" or "Cook a Chicken"?"
Sometimes he really makes me wonder...
Tonight it was on "Cook a Steak." It's a good thing I actually had leftover steak from dinner to justify it. I'm stocking up on food and things to do this weekend. My husband is leaving in the morning (Friday) to drive his Jeep with another thousand of his best friends (read: JeepGeeks).
I think I'll go visit my relatives in the Nursing Home in D.C. Saturday or Sunday. Last I heard he was calling the police because he wanted them to join him on a boat trip to England to arrest the Queen for not enforcing the laws properly.
I need to find him a boat. Or the Queen. Whatever comes first.
But the Honda Civic is a pretty cool car!!Especially if ure driving it in Need For Speed...lolz
Aftab Iqbal, at 9:22 AM, November 18, 2005
maybe i need your car I cant ever get warm in the winter
redgirl, at 12:08 PM, November 18, 2005
I wouldn't mind a Hybrid, but my Saturn gets comparible gas mileage, especially on long trips. Plus, my Saturn has almost 130k miles on it and runs fine. Great car. But maybe my next car will be a Hybrid.
See, conservatives could give a d*** about the environment too. ;)
(I do hope I'm not the only one).
The Zombieslayer, at 8:07 PM, November 19, 2005
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