Muhammed and Jerusalem
The event of Muhammed getting to Jerusalem and ascending to heaven could only be confirmed by Muhammed himself. There was no physical journey that he made with other followers all the way from Mecca to Jerusalem. There is no historical document (e.g. Dead Sea Scrolls, Josephus, etc) describing this, and it is only referenced in the Koran in Sura 17 - "Night Journey." No one else was witness to this journey. There are no archeological findings to support Muhammad's visit to Jerusalem. And as explained in an earlier post, there is no mention of Jerusalem in the Koran. That is a latter interpretation of the words "farthest mosque."
In the Koran, it is written that in one night the Prophet Muhammed was transported from the temple at Mecca to a remote mosque and back to Mecca, but no details are given of the strange journey.
سبحان الذي أسرى بعبده ليلاً من المسجد الحرام إلى المسجد الأقصى الذي باركنا حوله
Koran sura 17: Night Journey Of Mecca Celebrated be the praises of Him who took His servant a journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, the precinct of which we have blessed, to show him of our signs! verily, He both hears and looks.
Muhammed rested in Kaaba, which is in Mecca (Saudi Arabia of today). While he slept, Gabriel, the angel, came to him, and brought him the winged steed Buraq, a winged white animal from Paradise, greater in size than a donkey but lesser than a mule, with wings on its hind legs. The Buraq carried Muhammad the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where he got off Buraq, tied it up, and led other prophets in prayer. He then got back on Buraq, and was taken to the heavens, where he toured heaven and hell, and spoke with the earlier prophets, and with Allah. Allah told him to enjoin the Muslims to pray fifty times a day; however, Moses told Muhammad that they would never do it, and urged Muhammad to go back several times and ask for a reduction, until finally it was reduced to five times a day.
Afterwards, the unbelieving Meccans regarded this as absurd, and some went to Abu Bakr and told him "Look at what your companion is saying. He says he went to Jerusalem and came back in one night." Abu Bakr told them, "If he said that, then he is truthful. I believe him concerning the news of the heavens — that an angel descends to him from the heavens. How could I not believe he went to Jerusalem and came back in a short period of time — when these are on earth?" It was for this that Abu Bakr is said to have received his nickname "as-Siddiq", the believer.
Since the Prophet himself did not leave any clear-cut explanation of this experience, Muslim thinkers - including the Prophet's Companions - have always widely differed as to its true nature.
The great majority of the Companions believed that both the Night Journey and the Ascension were physical occurrences - in other words, that the Prophet was borne bodily to Jerusalem and then to heaven - while a minority were convinced that the experience was purely spiritual. Among the latter we find, in particular, the name of Ayesha, the Prophet's widow and most intimate companion of his later years, who declared emphatically that "he was transported only in his spirit (bi-ruhihi), while his body did not leave its place" (cf. Tabari, Zamakhshari and Ibn Kathir in their commentaries on 17: 1); the great Al-Hasan al-Basri, who belonged to the next generation, held uncompromisingly to the same view.
1000 BCE: Jerusalem made Capital of David's Kingdom.
960 BCE: First Temple, the national and spiritual center of the Jewish people, built in Jerusalem by King Solomon.
586 BCE: Judah conquered by Babylonia; Jerusalem and First Temple destroyed; most Jews exiled to Babylonia.
538-515 BCE: Many Jews return from Babylonia; Temple rebuilt. ("Second Temple").
0 BCE/AD: JESUS and Christianity begin.
70 AD: Destruction of Jerusalem and Second Temple by the Romans. All that remained is the Western Wall (Wailing Wall).
1000 BCE through 636 AD: Jerusalem ruled (in this order) by Israelites, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantine Empire, Persians.
622 AD: The Night Journey occured.
- At the time this verse of the Quran was recited many muslims understood the phrase "furthest mosque" as a poetic phrase for a mosque already known to them, a mosque in Heaven, or as a metaphor.
For the following reasons, they find it unlikely that this verse referred to a location in Jerusalem:
There were already two places that Muslim tradition of that time period called "the furthest mosque"; one was the mosque in Medina (Arthur Jeffrey, The Suppressed Quran Commentary of Muhammad Abu Zaid, Der Islam, 20 (1932): 306) and the other was the mosque in the town of Jirana, which Muhammed is said to have visited in 630. (Alfred Guillaume, Where Was Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa? Al-Andalus, (18) 1953: 323–36)
632 AD: Muhammad died.
638 AD: Caliph Umar I captured Jerusalem from the Persians.
- Seeing the magnificent Church of the Holy Sepulchre built by Constantine in 335 A.D. and well aware of how sacred the city was to both the Christians and the Jews, Umar declared that the city was sacred to the Muslims as well. Needing a rationale, he searched the Koran and zeroed in on Sura 17. The "Furthermost Point" (al-masjid al-Aqsa) of Sura 17, where Mohammed ascended to heaven, was, Umar decreed, none other than the Jews' holiest of holies, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
I have no doubt that Muslims today regard Jerusalem as important, but until they acknowledge that it was sacred to the Jews long before their ancestors invaded it and declared it holy to them, and until they acknowledge our historical right to live in Israel with Jerusalem as our Capitol (as it has been for hundreds of years before the Arabs invaded it) - there is no hope for peace between Abrahams descendents.
The photos of the "farthest mosque" shown on this website are evidence enough to prove that the Muslims did not consider it as the most sacred place of worship until last century. In fact, the most holiest place for Muslims is still considered to be in Mecca, quite far from Jerusalem, if I might say so.
Strangely enough, the Christians have a much stronger physical claim on Jerusalem and many other holy sites in Israel - yet they do not proclaim it in the same manner that Arabs do - they do not call for the destruction of our country or the deaths of millions of Jews just for the purpose of being able to worship in their holy places.
The claim for Jerusalem by the Muslims following the Iranian president, is based purely on hatred of the Jews and nothing else. It does not attempt to solve our co-existence, nor does it acknowledge our right to live our lives. It is an attempt to obliterate a nation off the face of the earth, for one reason alone - more political power.
Killing all the Jews, conquering Jerusalem, making it the Capitol of Islamic nations will not bring peace to earth. It will not resolve all the problems the Muslim world is facing. It will not bring the Muslims together. As long as humans are so different from each other - even Muslims will continue to fight amongst themselves (e.g. Iraq...). Jerusalem is not the answer. The answer is within the people. The answer lies in talking, understanding, acknowledging - and dare I say, faith that we can live together in peace.
Shalom Salam
שלום سلام
Hmm....the incident that you described is more or less to schools of thought.....there are various schools of thought in every every religion you find minor variations, but the main objective remains the same...for example in Christianity there are Protestants and Catholics....In Judaism there are Pharisees, Sadducees, and Samaritans. So same is the case in Islam. But all sects in Islam believe that the journey occured unequivocally. So regards I said before..we do believe also that Moses(Peace Be Upon Him) performed many miracles..including the miracle in which water gave way to land....can you find UNEQUIVOCAL(plz note this word) proof of this miracle( Such proof that will satisfy the atheist...i believe that this incident occured...I believe in the miracles of Moses(Peace Be UPOn i'd be ready to believe anything....but atheist will require very strong evidence)..Similarly how do you find a logical explaintaion about the miracles of Christ(Peace Be Upon Him)......(Again let it be said that I belive in the miracles of Christ unequivocally)....As regards claim on a historical basis...that is.... based on time scale.....first of all if u look at that this way....Muslims belive in Moses(Peace Be Upon HIm). So those sites are as sacred to us as to you. The best testimonial to that might be Jabl-e-Musa ins Sinai...where you find believers of all three major religions coming from all over the world just to get a glimpse of history.......Secondly, this is not how the world works does it???......didn't Colombus violate the rights of the original inhabitants of the Americanas??....didn't the Americans drive away native Indians from their very sacred land(after all this is in Native Indian Tradition)?? Didn't the Australians violate the rights of the Aborigines??? Didn't the Europeans also colonize the world by sword( funny that people mention Islam spreading by sword...that is wholly untrue...however..if we believe their claim for the sake of arguement..didn't they(Europeans) also commit the same crime)?? Didn't America commit the same crime by colonizing vasts amount of lands by fighting with Mexico?? So in short, I don't belive we Muslims would back away from our claim on the basis of chronlogy. It is it is....doesn't matter when it was declared sacred.....Arabs belived in the sanctity of Jerusalem even before Islam arrived..because of the respect for Jesus(Peace Be Upon Him) and Moses(Peace Be upon Him). We don't have major contradictions with the Christians an Jews....and u ureself Mybrid testified to that.So we can also say that our claim to Jersualme is as old as urz. However, we should keep on talking.I have learnt alot both about ure religion and mine. I believe a solution lies in all three religions respecting each otherz right (not only related to Jerusalem but on a wider scale). When we start to learn about each other and respect each other, only then can we truly arrive at a solution. Thanks for maintaing a meaningful dialogue Mybrid...most of the times I find myself in a mess where we both don't hear each other out. I hope this dialogue can continue in the same respectful way.
Aftab Iqbal, at 7:44 PM, October 30, 2005
Please also note..u keep identifying a mosque to a building...a mosque is basically any place where u pray to it in the open sky on a piece of it doesn't matter if the building of Al Aqsa mosque was built after the Prophet(Peace Be Upon Him). The main thing is that site is sacred.
Also please keep in mind, I am not an Islamic it takes me time to verify things and answer them.....u are quoting Rabbis who have devoted their life to this an ordinary Muslim like me has to first read up both ure belief then mine and then Islamic scholar can be more prompt in his plz don't think that I am neglecting some of your's just that I'm looking them up and will answer as soon as I have accumulated enough authentic evidence. Thanks.
Aftab Iqbal, at 8:03 PM, October 30, 2005
Please take special note of this....source
"When Muslims first entered the city of Jerusalem, according to Arab historians of the time (eg. Mujîr-ud-Dîn [1]) as confirmed by the medieval Jewish Geniza documents[2], the ruins of the Temple were being used as a rubbish dump by the Christian inhabitants, in order to humiliate the Jews and fulfill Jesus' prophecy that not a stone would be left standing on another there; the Caliph (and companion of Muhammad) Umar ibn al-Khattab, horrified to see it in such a state, ordered it cleaned and performed prayer there at once. According to some sources, he also built a mosque there. Several of the earliest non-Muslim sources - notably the Byzantine chronicler Theophanes Confessor and the Jewish Secrets of Rabbi Simon ben Yohai - indicate that Umar's action was hailed by the Jews of the time as a restoration of the Temple of Jerusalem.
After the Muslim conquest of this region, the Temple Mount became known to Muslims as al-Haram al-Sharif الحرم الشريف (the Noble Sanctuary); it is traditionally regarded by Muslims as the third most important Islamic holy site, after Mecca and Medina. The Temple Mount is the holiest site in Judaism. Islam respects David and Solomon as prophets, and regards the Temple (mentioned in Quran 17:7, and described in much more detail in the noncanonical Qisas al-Anbiya) as one of the earliest and most noteworthy places of worship of God. (The Kaaba's sanctity has a similar basis in the Islamic tradition that it was built, or rebuilt, by Abraham.)"
The main thing that I wanted to point out was that we believe in all of the Prophets u believe too. That is these people hold a very sacred place in Islam. Also, Torah is believed to be a Book Of God.
Aftab Iqbal, at 8:19 PM, October 30, 2005
Faith that we can live together in peace is misguided. There can never be peace between the rest of the world and any group of fanatics so insane as to kill themselves to hurt an enemy. Your scholarship is exellent, but could you please show me the excerpts from the Koran which say it is the right thing to do to murder, assassinate, bomb, and torture innocents? Or the part where it says to dance and laugh and celebrate the deaths of children?
I do not believe that any Arab Moslem/Muslim exists who has a claim on humanity, considering that they are either terrorists or supporters and encouragers of terrorism. Perhaps in the general run of the mill Moslems/Muslims elsewhere than the Middle East there may be some decent people, but they sure keep mighty quiet, so that their Moslem/Muslim neighbors won't kill them for having a different opinion.
I think it is amusing that there is no historical source for their beliefs other than blind ignorance.
Unfortunately, because of their insanity we have to take them seriously.
Anonymous, at 8:29 PM, October 30, 2005 I said...i am no Islamic Scholar....i can however say without any doubt that Islam( quoted through many Hadiths) has forbidden killing civilians...Islam does promote Jihad...which means to struggle be it by sword or pen..however there are many rules relating to can only be waged when the principles of Islam are endangered....and can only be waged against military personnels......I also have to kindly ask you to remember that not all Muslims support suicide bombings and the crimes of a few are regarded as the sin of all Muslims by the rest of the world..also remember Islam is a religion that strongly forbids suicide( so strongly that it is said that a person who commits suicide will rot in hell)..Islam says killing a single person is like killing whole of humanity..... i'll try to find verses in Quran that relate to Jihad and post them here....plz allow me some time.......please remember that when you quote Quran or any religious scripture, please read the whole chapter so the context of the statement is clear......Also...plz note that IRA was invloved in many bombings..but u don't blame Christianity just because of the few radicals, do u?Similarly, the Oklahoma bombing?? So please don't generalize.....funny that when people think of Muslims they only remember Osama Bin Laden..or Mullah Omar.....but they forget the many other famous personalities that are heroes in their own rights in America...for example Muhammad Ali..Hakeem Ollajuwan.......and many more. Hope I was able to clarify some doubt in ure mind if not all.
Aftab Iqbal, at 8:43 PM, October 30, 2005
(Islam( quoted through many Hadiths) has forbidden killing civilians)
Apparently followers of Islam do not believe in their own teachings, because if there is one thing Moslems are famous for it is killing civilians.
(Islam does promote Jihad...however there are many rules relating to can only be waged when the principles of Islam are endangered....and can only be waged against military personnels)
This is another case where Moslems say it is in their holy book, but ignore what it says. It's an excuse to pretend that Islam is not a violent religion that promotes hatred and murder.
(I also have to kindly ask you to remember that not all Muslims support suicide bombings and the crimes of a few are regarded as the sin of all Muslims by the rest of the world.)
I have not heard any Moslems, other
than government figureheads who have to say something to not seem like insane murderers condemn what is being done in the name of Islam. The Moslems I see on the news, and I don't have only American sources available to me, universally rejoice in the deaths. I have two Moslem families living across the street from me, and what they say when I ask them the same questions is that I just don't understand Islam.
(also remember Islam is a religion that strongly forbids suicide( so strongly that it is said that a person who commits suicide will rot in hell)
Again, Moslems commit suicide at a rate faster than any other country or religion I have heard of. Either Islam is ignored or Hell is populated with Moslems. As long as they can kill a couple of innocents when they go, Moslems seem to have a love affair with suicide.
(Islam says killing a single person is like killing whole of humanity)
According to their record, Moslems have killed off the entire population of the planet over and over and loved every minute of it.
(i'll try to find verses in Quran that relate to Jihad and post them here)
There may be a thousand verses that say it is a bad thing, but there are millions of live Moslems who don't agree.
plz allow me some
(IRA was invloved in many bombings..but u don't blame Christianity just because of the few radicals, do u?Similarly, the Oklahoma bombing?? So please don't generalize)
I think any group that kills is composed of insane individuals, whether it is the IRA, the FBI, the Nazis or Moslems. I despise all those groups equally. I never generalize from the actions of one individual, but when millions are involved then I can safely say this is a universal.
(funny that when people think of Muslims they only remember Osama Bin Laden..or Mullah Omar)
I have been following the killing and murders committed by Moslems for more than 50 years, long before Bin Laden, and other recent murderers. The record is unbroken: kill, torture, maim, murder and then celebrate. If you want to go back to the days when Islam was started, it is most famous for encouraging the slaughter of any who wanted to live their own lives and opposed the killing. And that went on for hundreds of years.
(they forget the many other famous personalities that are heroes in their own rights in America...for example Muhammad Ali..Hakeem Ollajuwan..and many more.)
I always respect individuals and their accomplishments. Many more? I don't thinks so. Most are too involved in killing and applauding killing to be noted for anything else.
Deeds are what matter to me. If you kill, I despise you. And I haven't seen anything else you do that's worthy of note.
Anonymous, at 3:12 PM, October 31, 2005
Me thinks the answer is in economics. I have many Muslim friends that are progressive, and it's no coincidence that they bring home fat paychecks.
Religion is often an excuse for violence, but the violence is almost always carried out by the economically desperate.
Interesting history. I had no idea about some of it. My middle-eastern history is horrible.
The Zombieslayer, at 4:55 PM, October 31, 2005
Mtrian..I'd appreciate it if u would give sources to ure claims....u are just giving ure opinion and taking it to be absolute truth....for example..i'd like u to prove Muslims have the highest suicide rate...also which news channels do u all of them..okz..herez an example...consider u have a Mercedes Benz and u get into an accident....would u blame the driver or the car....obviously the driver right?? Same is the case here....take Islam to be the Mercedes and the Muslims to be the driver. And again I would give an example of IRA....they would celebrate oepnly after bombings in London...but I don't see the world blaming certains Christian sects!! I'd like you to talk to MANY Muslims instead of just the two families you quoted.The two families are not the representatives of over a billion Muslims in the world. And I'd also like if you get in contact with Mybrid..i've read through her posts and she does have a pretty good assesment of Islam.I'd like if people would at least try to know what Islam says before hating it. At least give us a fair chance to clear your doubts.
Aftab Iqbal, at 7:55 PM, October 31, 2005
Mtrain....I'd also like u to remember and even look up this fact.....Americans promoted Osama Bin Laden during the Afghan war against Russia(1979-late 80's). America poured in loads of money and weapons pluz gave technical trianing and hailed this war as "Jihad".The Afghans still had leftover stud missile when America attacked. Please goto ure library and look at old news items.So i'd like to blame the Americans for this horror.
Aftab Iqbal, at 8:03 PM, October 31, 2005
Sean...i don't agree with u...i PERSONALLY(just to assert that's what I think and may not be the case with other people) believe without religion in our life, we have no incentive to do good deeds.
Aftab Iqbal, at 8:07 PM, October 31, 2005
Aftab, just a couple of comments in response to your first comment:
"....In Judaism there are Pharisees, Sadducees, and Samaritans." Judaism hasn't had these clowns for 2000 years, thank god! We've exchanged them with Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Judaism.
Re: America and Australia: The fact that other religions/nations drove away and killed natives from their country does not make it right. Not only that, but both countries are now making ammends to it and are not calling for the destruction of all native Indians and aboriginal people. I expect at a minimum the same recognition by the Arabs - knowing that they had done us injustice in the past and should not call for our destruction today. [Keep in mind that the target of my post is the Iranian President's statement]
Mybrid, at 8:59 PM, October 31, 2005
Sean, believe it or not but I'm with you on this one. You see, I'm an agnostic myself.
Mybrid, at 9:03 PM, October 31, 2005
Mybrid....could you please post the Iranian President's statement here? I haven't heard it,because of the chaos here in Pakistan after the destructive earthquake.It's a very sad environment here.Many lives were lost and many more affected.
And I won't be using the internet too often from today because I'm going away for Eid to my grandma's place and secondly I have exams!! I've learned alot and hopefully will continue to visit and post here whenever I get the slightest bit of time(even during exams..he he..any ideas how to get rid of this computer addiction?)
Aftab Iqbal, at 9:51 PM, October 31, 2005
Aftab, here's the link to the article. But if you just do a simple search in Google you will see the general outcry around the world and in the UN resulting from his statement. It made headlines worldwide.
Mybrid, at 9:59 PM, October 31, 2005
I see.....I'm at a loss of words.All I can say is that I hope all of us here in the world learn to hear each other out and strive for world peace. The fight between the governments is resulting in heavy loss of life.What's the fault of babies who don't even know about the conflict?Hmm...I see why ure outraged and you have a right to be.However(not related to the president's remark), I again ask you to always try to hear out the other sides story so you can appreciate the situation from a wider perspective. If we continue to cause hatred( same applies to Muslims), we will never achieve the basic aims of our religions which mainly is to believe in one God.I agree there are many harcore Muslims....but there are also many moderates too. There are hardcore Christians and Jews too. So what actually is happening, hardcores calling for each other's destruction resulting in chaos. I personally don't agree with Ahmednijed's statement and I think it's more of a political stunt than a religious issue, this particular instance.
There will always be resistance to America until she learns to not indulge into the affairs of other countries.People here in the Muslim World hate Americans because we think they're after our oil. That's as blunt as I can get.So what America needs to do...She has to alleviate this fear amongst us. Also there is this constant fear that America is after global domination. We're living under the fear of being attacked one day by America. When I lived in South Korea, I saw people there too didn't like America. There they had the opinion that America was casuing prolongation of the Korean conflict for the sake of keeping her militrary stationed in the Korean penninsula.All I;m trying to get at is you have to learn to talk to us, so we can tell you about our concerns before you label us as "terroists or enemies of the state"
And again...just for the record..I don't agree with the Iranian president's statement.
Aftab Iqbal, at 10:26 PM, October 31, 2005
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