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Hybrid Thoughts


Excitement on Easter

Once again a Jewish holiday coincides this year with a holiday of a different faith. Easter Sunday fell during Passover. Needless to say that I wasn't too thrilled about it, since it meant I won't be able to eat anything my mother-in-law made. Most of the dishes for Easter contain flour and I cannot eat anything made of flour til Wednesday. So I ended up cooking my own meal.

As I was cooking, my husband's grandfather came into the kitchen to say hi. His grandfather is in his eighties and I absolutely adore the man!!! The love is mutual and our eyes just light up when we see each other. So I gave him a big hug and wished him a happy Easter as he left the room. Next thing I know, I hear people screaming outside, and everyone rushing to the window to see what was going on.

The grandfather was in a car, another car was stopped in the opposite direction next to his, a woman shouting at another younger lady and at my beloved grandpa, and two police cars pulled behind and in front of him, pulling their guns out directed at him. I immediately called my husband to go calm everyone down (he's good at that), and meanwhile his mother came out of the house to check up on what was going on, while I stayed inside the house to make sure the kids (four of them aged 2 to 6 years old) don't do anything stupid, like run in front of the police guns.

As we were standing inside watching the events unfold I was getting rather confused on how his grandfather ended up at gun point, and why this woman was shouting at him. It didn't look like he hit her car, and he definitely didn't have the look on his face of "oh, I'm so sorry." He just seemed slightly bewildered by the excitement.

My husband came back in and told me to keep an eye on the kids and the dog, because this may take a while. Apparently, the young lady had been observed stealing from this woman's store, and the woman called the police on her, but meanwhile, the lady escaped and got into grandpa's car and tried to hijack him! She got into the passenger's seat and had her foot on his right foot which was on the gas pedal. Mind you, his foot has been amputated, so it was rather painful for him to endure. Meanwhile, he used his left foot to press on the brakes and refused to go anywhere.

The police got there in time to see this altercation, and arrested the woman for attempted hijacking and stealing.

The grandfather, after telling his story briefly to the police, asked naiively, "can I go now?" It didn't really sink in with him what had just happened and he was just going to carry on in his merry way. God love his kind soul!

His daughter (my mother-in-law) finally convinced him to go back in the house, while she parks his car. Meanwhile, once the police figured out that grandpa was not the acocmplice, they started looking for this young lady's accomplice who apparently escaped into the same street and got into one of the houses. So I gave the kids instructions - "If you see anyone you don't know come in the house, run to me." Like I would know what to do... But I figured together with four kids screaming we could scare off any unsuspecting thief.

Grandpa got back into the house and I came over and chided him for his actions, "First you come in and give me a hug, and next thing I know you're giving another chick a ride?!!!" He laughed and said, "Well, she got into my car and started shouting - 'my mom is very sick in the hospital, I called the police, drive!' - so I asked her where does she want to go, and she repeated it again 'my mom is in the hospital dying, go already!' - so I put my foot on the breaks and asked her where she wants to go! And then the police came behind me and in front of me and we couldn't go anywhere. But if she told me where she wanted to go I would have taken her...." God love his kind soul!

All is well now, and the rest of our Easter went by uneventful.


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