Lesson 2a
"Hey baby, your eyes sparkle like metal in a microwave."
Hey m'tooka, ey-naikh notsé-tsot kmo maté-khet b'microgal.
Hey - Hey.
m'tooka - comes from the word matok, which means sweet.
ayin - means eye. énayim means eyes. ey-naikh means "your eyes."
notsé-tsot - sparkle (in the plural feminine form, because eyes is a feminine word).
kmo - like.
maté-khet - metal.
b' - in.
micro - micro.
gal -wave.
Pronounciation key:
Hey m'tooKA, ey-naiKH notsé-TSot kmo maTE-khet b'MIcrogal.
I will now entertain any other requests for lessons in Hebrew, and will add them to this post as the comments are posted.
This is rapidly becoming a blog-at-your-request. This makes my life so much easier. No more hard work thinking what to post. I'll just accept any special requests from the audience.
Note to mtrain: I do have my limits! Don't push your luck.
RockJock's mention of a preferred pick-up line is "Please bring me a cold beer":
Ta'v'ii li bira kara.
Ta'v'ii - bring (addressed to a female. Or tavi when addressing a male).
li - to me.
bira - ok, do I really need to translate this one?
kara - cold. (the adjectives in Hebrew always follow the noun).
Pronounciation key:
ta-V-EEE li BI-rah kah-RAH
Note: pronounciation on non-Hebrew words goes to the front of the word.
Cultural note: Israelis don't use the word "please." Deal with it.
Rockjock - Yeah, that line never seemed to work for me. Wonder why.
The Zombieslayer, at 12:18 AM, August 23, 2005
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