The Danger we Pose
This is about the asinine comment made by the President of Iran, which I will not repeat here, as I'm sure everyone has heard of it.
I don't want anyone to get me wrong - I don't hate Muslims, nor do I feel anger towards them. That's too huge a generalization to make. I do hate terrorists and 90% of Arab leaders for brain washing their people to believe the bullshit they say. In a democracy, free speech allows everyone to speak, giving a semi-proper balance to opinions on both sides. A democracy means that the truth is often heard louder than the lies.
But most Arab/Muslim nations do not have a democracy. This means - no freedom of speech, and the lies of leaders are taken at face value with no one to contest it. The power of these leaders in supporting terrorism both financially and physically is upsetting me to no end. They spread their lies about Israel, and their people follow it like blind sheep, believing that indeed Israel is the root of all evil. Do they even realise how ridiculous this belief is? Can 6 million people living in a tiny piece of land constitute such a danger to the Arab/Muslim nations???
Yes, we're that tiny piece of red colour in the center of this map. The green represents all the Arab/Muslim lands.

Unlike Islam's Koran, which commands Muslims to force the entire planet to submit to literal control by Islam, the Jewish Torah promises the children of Israel a modest and reasonable allotment of land. Israel in RED, is a democratic nation 1/19th the size of California, surrounded by 22 hostile Arab/Islamic dictatorships with 640 times her size, 60 times her population and ALL the oil. How dare Arab propagandists call Israel "expansionist!" And how dare anyone believe them! How can Israel, which occupies one-sixth of one percent of the lands called Arab, be responsible for the political dissatisfaction of 22 Arab countries? How can the 13 million Jews in the world (almost 5 million fewer than they were in 1939!) be blamed for the problems of the 300 million Arabs, who have brotherly ties to 1.4 billion Muslims worldwide?
For those of you from the U.S., here's a map to compare Israel to the USA:
Now do you see how ridiculous it is to believe that the occupants of that little tiny slice of land could ever constitute danger to anyone living around them?
It wouldn't anger me as much had I believed that everyone is very aware of the facts, but I've come across so MANY Americans who were shocked to realise our true size, that it doesn't take a leap of faith to understand that the people living under the Arab/Muslim regimes are probably just as ignorant about the facts.
So let me state this out front - Israelis do not believe in expansion. Israelis do not believe in conquering the world. In our 57 years of existence we have given up more land than any other Arab nation has given up for the sake of peace with the neighbours! We pose no danger to any Arab or Muslim nation. It is pure propoganda to believe otherwise. And those who believe this propoganda ought to start catching up on some history lessons dating back to Abraham, the first Jew who lived in the Land of Israel (and if they stay awake for 2500 years worth of history they'd catch up to the history lesson about Muhammed, the founder of Islam, who lived in Arabia). Hopefully, they'll also reach the teachings of the Koran itself:
Night Journey Sura 26 - it is written that Allah say to the
people of Israel "Settle in the Land of Israel."
I'm sorry. I disagree. Yes, true Israelis live on a very small piece of land. However, it is not the size of the land that's the location. Had it been anywhere else, perhaps(I dare say)it might not have been such a controversy. After all there are millions of Coptic Christians living in Arab states. But yes, that's a differnt matter, I understand. So coming back to my point, the importance of the location. It is Jerusalem that is important. It is as important to the Muslims as it is to the Jews and Christians. I wish we could all live there in peace and harmony.If only we could understand each other better. Sad, that we don't have dialogues between each other, so we can't clear misconceptions.
And I have certain reservations about democracy too. I beleive in modernization, but not in westernization.Anyways, this is a long debate. Will try to get my point across. Hopefully, we both can DISCUSS these matters, instead of resorting to blasting each other. Peace.
Aftab Iqbal, at 8:21 PM, October 29, 2005
You're allowed to disagree.
Hopefully, you will continue reading to understand where I come from and why it angers me to hear the remarks made by Arab leaders that are purely based on politics and hatred of the Jews.
This isn't about religion nor history. It's about politics. About the Arab leaders wanting to be considered the uniters of the Arab League. The only way to unite everyone is by finding that mutual enemy - the Jews. In the exact same way that Hitler directed German's economy failures and blamed the Jews for everything.
And the only way to unite the Arabs is find that one place that Jews consider holy - Jerusalem, and lay claim to it as if it were always holy to Muslims. Not so.
Mybrid, at 9:21 PM, October 29, 2005
Mybrid...Night Journey is Sura number 17....not 26.
Aftab Iqbal, at 10:25 PM, October 29, 2005
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