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Hybrid Thoughts


Night Out in Town

[Warning: This post rated R. If you're under 18, click here.]

First, thank you to all my well wishers. I've been through a rough week. I had surgery last week and recovery wasn't as swift as I was hoping. Originally I was going to write something funny about the surgery, but I tell you, it's not easy coming up with something funny when you're in freaking pain.

Anyway, after this tough week, I needed a blow job.

So I had a Blow Job with a friend tonight.

If you've read my last post you already know I don't do alcohol. Well, that was going to change today. I've had enough of not being invited out for a drink with friends, just because people perceive me as a serious person who doesn't drink or a person who doesn't know how to have fun (oh what do they know anyway?!).

So I made a call to a friend and today was D Day. And my first alcoholic drink was...a Blow Job.

3/4 oz Bailey's Irish Cream
3/4 oz. Kahlua
Whipped cream

Glass to Use: Shot glass

Mixing Instructions:
This drink is strictly for the ladies! Combine Kahlua and Bailey's in a shot glass, and top with a puff of whipped cream. It must be drunk without using your hands!

And yes, my friend took photos of the look on my face trying to get past the creamy part of the Blow Job. I managed to consume half of it before choking (maybe the image of this creamy leaning pyramid was too much for my brain to overcome). My friend finished the rest. Thank dog for drinking friends!

I've come to the conclusion that I'd rather drink the real thing over the alcoholic version. Though I imagine it'd be hard to find those bars. (Did I just come across a brilliant business idea targeting women consumers? Oh heck, sure why not, let's include the male consumers, too!)

So as we sat there having a great time, my friend asked for another drink, the look on my face prompted my friend to react with: "I can't handle you sober, I gotta have another drink! You're killing me."

Watch out world, I'm an alcohol virgin and in desperate need of a change. I'm determined to try every drink I can get past my smell senses, until I force my taste buds to accept alcohol, dammit! Here's to a fruitful search of the perfect alcoholic drink for me.

I wonder if there are non-alcoholics anonymous that I could join. I feel so embarrassed about going through this change at this age. I need help. I really do.

Morning after: The alarm went off and in a sleepy state of mind I told my husband: "Blow Jobs suck!" Without hesitation he answers, "I thought that was the point?"


  • Let's face it, the stuff taste like recycled vomit. Why would you want to get used to it? Instead of a drink with a weird name, try the real thing. I'll be willing to bet you'd like it more.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:17 PM, December 21, 2005  

  • mtrain, I agree.

    By Blogger Mybrid, at 6:09 AM, December 22, 2005  

  • Heh. I had no idea what a Blow Job was. Would love to see the pics though.

    For non-drinkers, try something more sweet. Try a nice, easy rum drink. I make drinks for my wife all the time and take rum and shake it up with something like Mango juice.

    As for SG, I think she's an experienced drinker, considering what she drinks.

    By Blogger The Zombieslayer, at 11:59 AM, December 28, 2005  

  • Girlie drinks don't do much for me either!

    By Blogger Mike, at 4:20 PM, December 30, 2005  

  • Happy New Year!! May u get all that u wish for and all that is best for u!!

    By Blogger Aftab Iqbal, at 5:18 PM, December 31, 2005  

  • SG - You and I need to go drinking together. Come to California. I'll take you out and we'll have some fat martinis. Better yet, I'll show you where they invented the martini.

    I'll also take you out to some bars where they filmed those film noir movies in the 40s and 50s. Good food here too. You might like California. If it weren't for their anti-gun laws, I'd live her permanently. Great place, fun times, good-looking people, real public transportation...

    I love this place. :)

    By Blogger The Zombieslayer, at 1:08 AM, January 06, 2006  

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