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Hybrid Thoughts


Bloody hell!

Wow, I can't believe my last post was over ten days ago. I have a lot of excuses, but that would mean I'd actually write something interesting on my blog. For the sake of keeping it boring because that's what my friend labeled me, I will refrain from any earth shattering or hilariously funny anecdotes. Anyway, if you've been reading my blog regularly, I'm sure you never expect it to be funny.

So if you came here to get a good laugh, a cerebral stimulating piece, a political rant, or a juicy bit of gossip - you've come to the wrong place, and you should probably click on any of the blogs linked on the right. They'll provide you with everything you're looking for.

This past weekend my husband, with the "assistance" of my boss, injured his elbow to a point of bleeding and serious pain while moving junk out of our house. For two days I've had to listen to my husband whining and moaning about the pain. I felt bad even asking him to unpack boxes on Sunday because he seemed in pain. At the end of the day he asked me for pain medication ("can you get me a pill"), as he was sitting comfortably (or not) in a sofa holding his elbow in pain. Two minutes later when I brought him a pillow, he looked at me in amazement, "what's THAT?" I said, "you wanted a pillow?!!!!" Thinking to myself, "did he injure his elbow or his head? Why can't he remember what he just asked for?!!!" So he starts laughing and says, "NO! I asked for a PILL!" I got annoyed with him and brought him a pill, at which point he said, "I just don't think I can swallow a pillow, that's all."

My husband and I go to the same chiropractor once a month. He's a real hotty, so I refuse to change chiropractors since we moved. I'd rather drive an hour away from my house to be treated by him than start seeing someone else. When we get there we have to fill in this sheet with questions about our chiropractic health (neck, knees, back, legs, etc). As he finished filling his pain levels and main complaints he shows me the paper. I was absolutely shocked at what he filled in. I grabbed it from him and red marked it all over. The asshole actually wrote that his elbow hurts at a pain level of 4 out of 10. "You freaking moron! You whined all weekend, you asked me for pain medication, you didn't lift a finger, because of a pain level FOUR????" Thankfully, when we're seen by the chiropractor they put us in the "suite" - it's a room divided by a curtain to two rooms. So while he was being seen by the doctor, I explained the red marks on the paper and that to me when someone injures themselves to a point of bleeding, whines for two days, and eventually asks for pain medication - that's a pain level 10!

And yes, that drawing above is of blood cells. My dad's art teacher had them look at a microscope and draw their interpretation.



  • Sorry about your husband's elbow, but having a hotty chiropractor makes up for a lot. (Well, OK, it probably doesn't do much for your husband, but hey, you're the one who had to play nursemaid, so bonus for you!)

    By Blogger Phoebe Fay, at 12:21 AM, March 02, 2007  

  • If the pain was bad enough he would have tried his best to swallow the pillow. I know I would have.

    By Blogger Mike, at 9:07 AM, March 02, 2007  

  • No, no, no...Americans/Israelis simply aren't allowed to say "bloody hell". We (Brits) own that phrase!

    Men are pathetic when sick/injured - it's a fact of life.

    - Kel (www.alotofgoodways.wordpress.com)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:55 PM, March 04, 2007  

  • Kel, Israel was once occupied by the British Empire. Our English is British English, which should explain my spelling as well.

    Of course that doesn't excuse my husband's behaviour... ;)

    By Blogger Mybrid, at 6:51 PM, March 04, 2007  

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