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Hybrid Thoughts


Another Before and After

I just realised that I never updated you on the final product of our light fixture improvement project.

So here it is, the final product photos. I hope you'll all agree that this is a huge improvement on the funky light fixture that was there originally.

Some of you may notice that the photo angle is very limiting and not giving you the full picture. I blame these walls that are in the way:

This problem will be resolved tomorrow as a new contractor enters our house to perform some demolition. Yup, these walls need to come down. I need more open space, dammit.

And when it's all done, I'll be able to take better photos of the kitchen. Of course that's the only reason we're demolishing the walls - so I can upload better photos on my blog.
Everyone, please keep your fingers crossed that this contractor will be a tremendous improvement on the last moron that did our kitchen.

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  • Oh wow! That looks great!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:15 PM, March 10, 2008  

  • *keeping fingers crossed*

    Love your glass door cabinets!

    By Blogger Chickie, at 4:28 PM, March 11, 2008  

  • Contractors + sledgehammers = fun!?!!?

    but yeah, you'll be better off without those walls. Good luck!

    By Blogger Forrest Proper, at 8:29 PM, March 11, 2008  

  • Where's the updated demo pics? I hope you're protecting that professional mounted HDTV on the other wall with some dust protection? Drywall dust would be a bitch to get out of a TV.

    Tell your pup to give your hubby a bit in the balls for not getting you something for your birthday. What was he thinking? You didn't sign a low-maintenance pre-nup did you?

    ps: My dog recommends that you consider Health Insurance for your beloved dog. $5,600 later following rush emergency back surgery for a nearly paralyzed cocker spaniel with a ruptured disk can really put a hurting on a tight budget ! YIKES ! Fortunately, Mr. B is back on his feet and on his way to recuperation.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:44 AM, March 12, 2008  

  • Looks nice Mybrid and personally, I would never hire out demolition because it is my favorite part of any job!

    By Blogger Mike, at 12:01 PM, March 12, 2008  

  • Prep: Thanks. It'll look all better when it's completely done.

    Chickie: The glass cabinets are actually an idea stolen from my friend (who's also my blog reader).

    Colonel: Yeah, I'm a great believer in tearing down that wall and bringing the east and west together.

    Anon: Your TV is protected. Pup has bit him enough times in the balls for several birthdays til I die, I think.
    Really sorry to hear the awful news about Mr. B !!! I hope he feels better soon. Mr. G sends his best regards.

    Mike: the difference between hiring out a demolition guy and leaving it to hubby is the amount of dust and mess left behind at the end of the day. Believe me, well worth the money to come back to a nice clean house every day, yet notice that major work was done through the day.

    By Blogger Mybrid, at 9:51 PM, March 12, 2008  

  • Beautiful, light filled airy kitchen!

    By Blogger here today, gone tomorrow, at 7:50 AM, March 17, 2008  

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