As you already learned Channukah started on Christmas Day. This meant that Channukah ended on New Year's Day. Unfortunately for my new year resolution, I had caught a cold on Christmas. This time it was far more aggressive than the Thanksgiving cold that for the second time in my life I had to go see a doctor about it. The doctor prescribed me antibiotics (YUCK!), cough medicine, and some decongestant. This meant that my plan to drink alcohol on New Year's Eve was shot to hell.New Year's Eve was celebrated as every year at my best friend's house. I could probably write a long post about past parties and how much fun we always have there, but for the sake of catching up on my posts I won't go into detail. This year the highlight were the special stickers that everyone could put on their cups of drinks so no one would mistake their drink once they've had a few martinis. So here's my husband's creativity at its best (or worst...).This is his cup... This is what he did to my Fanta bottle...And these are samples of other cups, including our hostess...
For those of you who're wondering what was our other form of entertainment, here he is - our New Year Jello Shooters Juggler! I wish I could figure out how to upload a video to this blog, because the video is quite funny as he takes a swig out of each shooter cup while he juggles the other two.
Some people are just blessed with talent!
This is for those among you who know Hebrew. I picked up my prescription medication at the pharmacy and sat down to have dinner, when I noticed my cough medicine bottle. Needless to say that the label got me into such coughing fits that it resolved my coughing for the rest of the evening.
For those who don't know Hebrew: Ben Zona means ...Son of a Bitch in Hebrew.
The following day after New Year's eve celebration, I spent the day cleaning the entire house and cooking in anticipation of yet another party - last day of Channukah! This time with 14 guests. By 10:30pm I was beat, but felt pretty good for having spent the first day of the year cleaning the entire house.
It was all worth it if only for this photo:
On the right side you'll notice the traditional Latkes (potato pancakes deep fried), on the far right is the traditional Channukah cookies, in the middle Israeli vegetable salad, on the left Koogle. Not pictured: Doughnuts, crackers, cheese, olives, pickles and of course, the guests. This is a typical Channukah celebration in an Israeli home - for those wondering what it's all about.
Also missing from the photo - dreydls, games, music and the fun had by all.